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Head Meeting - 05. Mai 2020

1. Current state

Service Status Plans
Design Fixed last issues, should now be finished for v1 no plans
Frontend Finished everything possible 13PRs open, waiting for gateway, exclude cypress tests in Sonarqube
Schnittstellen - -
Task Sonarqube issues fixed JWT support & tests
User Rewritten in TypeScript with NestJS  
Gateway Migrated to maven Connection to UserMS and TaskMS
Report Finished One test

2. New release date

The new relase date is the 16th, because we are waiting for some operating stuff like DNS records and email addresses.

3. Cleanup and introduction of forks

TODO: We have to decide whether to use forks after our first release and to delete inactive members of the organization.

4. Rename

Our new domain and name is gewia.com.
