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Conecept meeting


Concept for tasks

Subject -> LectureGroup -> Lecture -> TaskPack -> Tasks


Report Reasons

Who takes care of the reports?

The principle should be like yodelling: Once a user has successfully completed certain tasks in a LectureGroup, he or she will be invited for moderation.

When a task is reported, random mode gates in this area are presented with the task. They rate the task Annonymous and Democratic. If there is no definite result (in the range 40-60%) it is passed on to teachers or to admins.

Reported tasks are not available to the task pool for the time being

Idea collection of task types

TODO Talking to teachers, whatever else is missing

Login options



Certain people need an NDA because they deal directly with user data.

All others should not be able to see user data


Bug report via Sentry Copyright requests via TicketSystem

Check distance and if more than x% match a manual check should be performed. This verification can also be done by fashion designers, unless otherwise required by law.

Tasks reported by copyright are stored on a blacklist.

Registration for teachers


Release planning

Version 1.0 - 09.05.2020

Version 2.0