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¹Micro Service


The Orga is the Organization Team that handles Questions from Team Members or Organizing Meetings and other Information for the Project. If there is a Problem between two People or Teams they will help them to figure it out and solve it.


The Concept Team is planing and Organizing new Features for the Projects and also handles this Blog and Wiki. Mostly what we do is thinking about new Features or how we can do certain things like: The Login Methods or how we make the Platform DGSVO Correct.


The Frontend Team is a Development Team that most of the time Codes in JavaScript and HTML. They are Creating the Interfaces for the Project with the Javascript Framework “React” made by Facebook, they also bringing the Visual Interfaces together with the Backend Microservices.

Languages       => Javascript, HTML, SCSS
Build-Tools     => NodeJS, NPM
Framework       => NodeJS
Libraries       => React
Task            => Build a Visual Interface with Backend Integration


The Design Team creates a raw Mockup, how the Visual Interface Should look. There Goal is it to make a Visual good looking Interface Mockup with Responsive Design. They also Makign the Logo’s and the Images for the Frontend Team to build the Visual Interface.

Programs        => Adobe XD
1. Needed       => Basic understanding of Layouts
2. Needed       => General design understanding
3. Needed       => Understanding of Modern Webdesign
Task            => Design and Layouts of the Visual Interface and more...like Logo Creation


The Gateway Team is programming the Gateway beetween Backend and Frontend. There Programming the Authentification for Login and User Permissions, but they also Programming the Data-redirect from Frontend Interface (Like a Form) and checking it and then sending it to the Backend. But not only this, they also Doing Stuff like Security for Databases and other System to prevent Bad People to Destroy the Platform.

Language        => Java
Build-Tools     => Maven 3
Framework       => Spring Boot (GraphQL)
Libraries       => Lombok
Taks            => Authentification, Data-redirect and Security


The Task Team is programming the Backend for the Task’s on the Platform that the User can create. They programm the Solutions to check if the Task Solution by the User is correct or wrong and giving this information threw the Gateway back to the User. They save the complete Progress of the Task, so that he can go away and return back to the Task when ever he wants.

Language        => Java
Build-Tools     => Maven 3
Framework       => Spring Boot
Database        => MariaDB via Hibernate (ORM/JPA)
Libaries        => Lombok
Task            => Manage User Task's, Solution's and Statistiks


The Report Team is programming the Backend for the Ticket and Report System. They keeping track of the Tickets and of Task Reports that the User sent to the Report Service. They try to remove any missbehaving Tasks as fast as possible.

Language        => Python
Webserver       => Flask
Database        => MariaDB
Task            => Create Tickets to remove missbehaving Tasks as fast as possible.


The User Team is programming the Backend for the User Management, Permission Management and Session Management. They keeping Track of every User like: His/Her Name, His/Her Permission, His/Her Register Date and some more. They have the make the Overview which User Group has Permission to what. And they keep track of every session that is happening on the Website, Like: which user are logged in and which one is on which Task.

Languages       => Python
Webserver       => Flask
Database        => MariaDB
Task            => User, Roles and Session management

Article written by Timy Stream ___
